How to Protect Your Dental Practice During Covid-19

As a result of new restrictions and changing societal behaviour, medical practices around the world have been forced to adapt to changing conditions, such as a greater demand for digital health-related services.

As a dental practice navigating the waters during such a unique time, it’s important to stay informed about what’s happening and find creative ways to keep your operations running – providing the necessary care needed by your patients and ensuring you are financially stable.

Below are a few things to consider while trying to protect your dental practice during Covid-19.

Keeping Services Running While Doors Are Closing

Depending on where you are located and the time you read this, your town may or may not be under some form of restrictive order. Even when these lockdowns are lifted, the ongoing impact on people’s behaviour will persist.

The most practical way to approach the coming months and years is to accept that you probably won’t be seeing patients coming through the door in the same way as you would have previously expected. 

Many will be looking to avoid non-urgent treatments and care for as long as possible, while others will look for more remote or digitally oriented services that can give them the care they need without leaving their homes.

With this in mind, it’s important to start thinking about long-term plans for still delivering emergency treatments to those who need it, but also how you can adapt your systems so you can help more people without them physically coming through your doors.

Go Digital

One fascinating trend in healthcare implementation recently has been the emergence of virtual consultations and appointments. 

Certain things can’t be done remotely, but when it comes to delivering essential information and useful advice, such as recommendations for dealing with mild toothaches or how to identify specific dental problems, establishing some kind of digital service can be incredibly beneficial to you and your patients. 

To save time, you might also benefit from creating some online educational content, such as videos, photos, blogs and infographics that can help them understand symptoms and offer instructions for home care. 

Such content, when implemented right, can also improve your online presence as a business.

Keep People Informed

A lot can be achieved through effective communication. To avoid your systems being overwhelmed, and to keep people informed, public service announcements and informative content on your website can be incredibly useful.

For example, let people know when they should and shouldn’t be visiting the dentist. Emergency dental issues should still be treated, but more minor issues may not require a visit in person.

Also, inform people about what to expect from your services if they’ve changed and any Covid-19 related procedures that they will need to follow. This can be written information or video content published on your website’s blog, Google My Business, or via email marketing. 

Emphasise Safety

Some people, particularly the elderly or those who are “shielding” due to an underlying illness or compromised immunity, may be tempted to postpone treatment even in an emergency. This should be avoided where possible as it could lead to more severe dental problems and extreme pain.

Emphasising safety practices at every step is the best way you can reassure patients that it’s still okay to come in.

Simple things like informing patients of your sanitation processes and internal protocols can help give them confidence that you are dedicated to their safety. 

Take Out Effective Insurance Cover

There are plenty of reasons that your staff may be unable to come to work, even without thinking of how Covid-19 has increased the need for individuals to take time off when they are ill or as a precaution when someone in their circle tests positive. 

As such, having appropriate dentist locum insurance is a vital part of making sure you can keep your practice running, regardless of staff shortages. 

For more information about this, or a tailored locum insurance quote for your practice, get in touch with us at Approachable Locum Insurance!