Benefits Of Working As A Locum Dentist

As a qualified dentist you might want to consider the many advantages of working as a locum. It can be an ideal option for dental professionals whether just starting out or looking for a change of career. You might be looking for flexible working hours, gaining further experience in a different environment, or just looking to earn some extra money by taking on a few more shifts.

Perfect Locum Insurance Cover For Dentists

When you run a dental practice, there are probably only a very few people involved. Many practices only have two or three dentists, the practise nurses, and reception staff, and this means that there can be problems if someone goes sick. All right, if they have a cold and are off for two or three days you can probably manage to deal with that. If it is one of the dentists, that will mean that you have to contact all his or her patients over those few days and re-book their appointments. But you can probably manage.